
A Groundbreaking, 9-part Docuseries Exploring The World’s Most Promising Medicinal Foods And How They Can Be Used To Prevent & Heal Disease.

Scroll below to watch the trailer!

Pre-launch: Aug 27 – Sep 10, 2024
Series Launch: Sep 10 – Sep 19, 2024
Replay Period: Sep 21 – Sep 22, 2024

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A message from creator, Nick Polizzi​

We are delighted to introduce our newest creation, Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine. This beautifully filmed, information-packed 9-part docuseries is going to delight and empower your audience.

In the healing kitchen series, we will show step-by-step how to create plant-based healing recipes that target specific health conditions and vital systems within your body.

You will meet a remarkable group of people – farm to table chefs, herbalists, wild food foragers, small farmers, natural doctors, holistic nutritionists and more… who will guide you in transforming your kitchen into a sacred table of wellness.

Imagine your favorite cooking show, but with medicinal foods and a deep dive into the origins and health benefits of each ingredient. 

Drawing upon ancient culinary traditions worldwide, from the steaming pots of China to the savory and pungent plates of India… from the jungle kitchens of the Aztecs to the apothecaries of the Ancient Egyptians… we have curated some of the most delicious and medicinal dishes ever discovered. 

Thanks for your support!

– Nick

Launch Dates

Aug 27 – Sep 10 – Promotion Window
Sep 10 – Sep 19 – Healing Kitchen Airs Online
Sep 21 – Sep 22 – Replay Period

The full 9-part series will be offered to your audience in a single package – our All Access Bundle for $97 (Digital Series + Recipe Book + Companion Guide + 15 Amazing Bonuses), plus two upsell offers. You earn a 50% affiliate commission based on first-click in and a 60-day cookie.

A Sneak Peek At The Healing Kitchen Series​

How it works​

It’s This Simple. Really.
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Check Out Our FAQ Below.

1. Send Us The Date(s) You Are Planning On Promoting The Healing Kitchen Docuseries.(We’d Love To Know As Soon As Possible So That We Can Plan Accordingly.)

2. Simply send a few pre-written emails (see Swipe Content below) and/or share social posts between August 27th and September 10th, encouraging your readers or followers to check out the event registration page for the FREE Healing Kitchen docuseries.

3. Your Readers Get To Watch Our 9-episode Docuseries Screening Event (and The 2-day Replay) Completely Free With No Strings Attached.

4. At The End, They’ll Be Offered The Opportunity To Purchase And Own The Entire Series.

5. You Will Earn 50% Commissions On Every Dollar They Spend With Us.

6. You Get Paid 100% Of Commissions Earned In September & October 2024.

You’re in good company

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to help us spread the word about Healing Kitchen:

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Thanks for your support! Together we can make the launch of the Healing Kitchen series a success for you and your subscribers!


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A. Reach out any time to our awesome affiliate team at [email protected]

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A. If you forgot your password, click here to reset. You will need your email address that you used to sign up to your account. This is the email address that you are receiving our affiliate emails from. If you still can’t login, email us at [email protected], and we’ll send you your email and password.

Q. I want to work with The Sacred Science as a Joint Venture Partner. What do I do?

A. If you are interested in working with us as a JV Partner, we do have guidelines that we must follow. Although we would love to promote everyone, we don’t have the space in our calendar to do so. We do require that an affiliate promote us first and meet certain prior to us considering the promotion. Our marketing team also must also review the product/program to ensure that it is a good promotional fit for our audience. If you have questions, please reach out to [email protected]

Q. Is this a first or last cookie system?

A. We are set up as a first click in, 60-day cookie system. This means that the first affiliate link that the customer clicks will receive the credit and store the affiliate's ID in a cookie until the customer clears their browser cookies or clicks on another affiliate link. The cookie expires after 60 day. This means if you are promoting the series, you should promote as early as possible in the promo window.

Q. Can you give more details on how you track clicks?

A. You can find your tracking stats within your Post Affiliate Pro account. After logging in, just click on "Reports" on the left navigation legend. Our system tracks unique clicks and opt-ins.

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